Contes formulairesChaînes basées sur des nombres, objets, noms ou animaux : 2000-2020- AT 2010I : (How the rich man paid his servant)
- AT 2014A : (The house is burned down)
- AT 2015 : (The goat that would not go home)
- AT 2019 : (Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie)
Chaînes où il est question de la mort : 2021-2024- AT 2021 : (The cock and the hen)
- AT 2022 : (An Animal Mourns the Death of a Spouse)
Chaînes où il est question de manger : 2025-2028- AT 2025 : (The Fleeing Pancake)
- AT 2027 : (The fat cat)
Chaînes où il est question d'autres événements : 2029-2075- AT 2030 : (The Old Woman and Her Pig)
- AT 2033 : (The Sky Is Falling)
- AT 2035 : (This Is the House That Jack Built)
- AT 2031C : (The Mouse Who Was to Marry the Sun)
- AT 2044 : (Pulling up the turnip)
- AT 2075 : (Tales in which animals talk)
Contes-attrapes : 2200-2299Autres contes formulaires : 2300-2399 |
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